Wednesday, 30 November 2011

For those with dead A600 or A1200 internal floppy drives.

This bloke does a decent job at going through the process:

There is a bit of the video missing though, but for that part:

towards the front of the drive there are a couple of tabs which can gently be pushed outwards, allowing you to lift the second layer of the top of the casing. Once you've lifted the top part take care to lift the top read/write head clear before sliding the casing clear of the drive.

And don't worry about the spring that infuriated the bloke in the video - you don't actually need to remove that at all.

About 5 minutes with cotton wool buds and some cheap alcohol-based makeup remover and it was booting right up again.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Hola Amiga. Cuanto tiempo!

It seems I'm now in possession of a stock A1200 with a second diskdrive (and the obligatory knackered mouse).

Now to give it a compact flash card, some means of transferring stuff and ideally a little extra RAM...