Wednesday, 18 September 2013

It's been quite a while.

Sorry... I got distracted. Real life and all that.

I have started coding a small C64 game, which I'm not making any promises about at the moment (seeing how I've been AWOL for so long since my last update here). I would ideally like to have it up and running for the RGCD 16k cartridge development competition, however as I've only just started the thing I'm not far enough along to confidently throw my hat into the ring just yet.

Before the Atari folks start booing me off for neglecting their beloved machine I would like to say that it does look like it would be viable on the 8-bit Atari too. It won't be a compromise - it just coincidentally worked out this way when I was laying all the data out and planning how it works. If anything it may be a bit easier with the extra CPU grunt and the more flexible screen display layout.

But Alas - the C64 competition is up first, so that makes it the lead machine. Had I had time and thought of it a couple of months back the Atari would've been getting it first via the ABBUC competition, but what can you do?

1 comment:

  1. Oh! This is exciting :) I hope the game makes it into the compo Adam :)
